As an inhabitant of a world where everything materialistic holds the highest value, amassing wealth, enjoying popularity and seeking short-term happiness have emerged as the ultimate formula to live by. As a consequence, people have lost the value of spiritualism and are unaware of the significance of absolute happiness. To help you realize the true worth of your existence and discover the real purpose of your life, welcome to the world of Absolute Happiness where Mr. Anil Sharma, an eminent Sydney-based motivational guru, directs you towards your goals through a series of inspirational videos.
In present times, the temptation for wealth and power has a greater significance while attaining absolute happiness and experiencing spiritual awakening have taken a backseat. People are constantly obsessed with leading an epicurean life with no efforts to enrich their inner self. One can surely see an increase in negative emotions like greed, envy and lust, among others. Consequently, the high ideals of optimisms have become blurred and the little big joys that life has to offer are ignored. Consider the lives of Sage Rama Krishna, Sage Ramana Maharishi, Lord Buddha, Krishna and Jesus Christ – they all have attained the highest purpose of human birth and experienced absolute happiness despite leading a normal family life with no such extraordinary demands. They led simple and peaceful lives that helped them reach their goal.
Sometimes in the journey of our lives, we lose our identity; we don’t know who we are, where we are going and what is the purpose behind doing certain things. In a world where all that glitters is taken to be gold, it is relatively difficult to establish a spiritual bond with yourself. According to the words of Sage Ramana Maharishi, unless we stop identifying the Self with the body, with forms and limits, we can’t know the Self that we truly are.
Most of us are engaged in seeking temporary happiness. We take this short-term happiness as our main goal. But that is not the ultimate purpose for which you are born. Your goal is to attain absolute happiness that is unconditional, free from any external factor. Enter the realm of Absolute Happiness, where Mr. Anil Sharma assists spiritual aspirants, fellow brothers and sisters, to attain the state of unconditional happiness and self-abidance.