How to Overcome Personal Karma? | Absolute Happiness - Episode 6

14 Nov 2019
  • Absolute Happiness

Do you know that the universe is governed by the law of circular motion? Wondering what this is? In this video, Mr. Anil Sharma explains the law of circular motion and how we can ward off negative emotions.The entire manifestation of space and time is dependent on the Law of Circular Motion. According to this law, any thought or feeling that arises out of you, comes back to you again. If it is a bad thought, it will go all around the earth, collect all the filth and return to the source.

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Can You Bring Your Karma to an End? | Absolute Happiness - Episode 5

17 Oct 2019
  • Absolute Happiness

n our discussion about achieving absolute happiness, Mr. Anil Sharma brings to light a crucial point – if your karma came to an end, what is left then?Living in a state of unconditional happiness also occurs when your karma is over. Does this mean it is the end of your personal desires? If you look from a particular perspective, you never had any karma. On the other hand, you have a lot of personal karma. Your higher body (which comprises thought, intuition and spirit) is free from all physical activities or karma.

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How Do the Five Planes of Creations Exist Inside You? | Absolute Happiness - Episode 4

16 Oct 2019
  • Absolute Happiness

How to find absolute/unconditional happiness and know your true self? This video gives you some ideas that’ll help you to reflect upon yourself deeply. What do we do everyday? We get up in the morning and get busy right till we go to sleep. Many lives have gone like this where you are not bothered to really look at this.

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The Five Planes of Human Creation | Absolute Happiness - Episode 3

15 Oct 2019
  • Absolute Happiness

This episode brings to light the five planes of human existence 1. Plane of the Spirit : Also known as the Atmic Plane in Sanskrit, this is the highest plane of all. Every human being is born with a will. Rather everything that you do has a will working in the background. Co-relating with this will is a divine will and whatever is this will formed of, is called the Atmic Plane.

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Are You Seeking Absolute Happiness in The Right Way? | Absolute Happiness - Episode 2

14 Oct 2019
  • Absolute Happiness

The second video is a continuation of the former where you are guided towards your quest for absolute happiness that is free from any external factors. The state of absolute happiness was previously achieved by the great masters of mankind like Sage Ramana, Lord Buddha, Jesus Christ & others. Whatever maybe your age, let’s say you are 55 years old, it means you have passed 55 years of your life.

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Your Introduction to The World Absolute Happiness | Absolute Happiness - Episode 1

13 Oct 2019
  • Absolute Happiness

In this introductory episode, Mr. Anil Sharma, the eminent Sydney-based motivational guru guides you towards your path of absolute happiness. But first of all, what is this absolute or unconditional happiness?

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