Consciousness and Attention by Anil Sharma | Absolute Happiness - Episode 65
05 Apr 2023
- Absolute Happiness
Consciousness and Attention by Anil Sharma | Absolute Happiness - Episode 65
Watch NowThe second question is what is meant by passage to absolute happiness.This is a very interesting question. You see, first, we have to understand that what is this Absolute happiness? Absolute happiness is that state of happiness that is not dependent on our day-to-day life, day-to-day activities, day-to-day emotions, and day-to-day thoughts. So absolute happiness transcends the mental, emotional, and physical being of our personality, which is our lower nature.
So our higher nature, which is changeless, consists of divine intuition and divine will. Right. So a good example of that is that everything that we do during a day, like driving a car, taking a bath, eating food, thinking, feeling a great amount of effort does not go into all these activities. It is all just happening intuitively. So when we understand our higher nature, we understand that aspect of us that is changeless.
There's a very famous statement that can be made here that, you are always conscious of that which changes. Can you be conscious of that which does not change? So this state of absolute happiness has been attained by very few human beings. Some of the examples are Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha, and in our times, Ramana maharishi, Rishi Master Beinsa Douno. These are just some of the examples.
And even the author of this website, Absolute Happiness is himself living in a state of absolute happiness. So as a result of that, Anil Sharma Ji, the author and the owner of this website to assist others on this path to attaining absolute happiness, has made a series of videos which are though very deep in spiritual knowledge but can be very easily understood, and if put into practice, will lead oneself or will lead the individual to that state which we call as absolute happiness. And hence there is a separate link that consists of these videos and new videos will be constantly added to this.
So if anyone is genuinely interested from the core of one's heart to attain that same state as that attained by Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha, Rishi Master Beinsa Douno, or Sage Ramana. Then from a practical perspective, watching these videos and going from episode one, episode two, episode three, as they keep on getting deeper and deeper as per the episode number, it is possible for one to attain that state in this lifetime.
Hence these series of videos are numbered from 1,2,3,4 which are like stepping stones to reaching that state. It is called “The Passage to Absolute Happiness”.
Consciousness and Attention by Anil Sharma | Absolute Happiness - Episode 65
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